Thursday, August 27, 2015

My Portfolio MVPs

Here's what I believe were the key ingredients to my portfolio:

My Personal Logo
I was very satisfied with my logo since the day I made it because I believe it describes me perfectly. The words I chose to describe me were "minimalist" and "intimate." The design is not extravagant or too decorative. It was minimal. The C is also incorporated into the B making it one entity, showing the idea of intimacy

Of course with all strengths come weaknesses. I thought perhaps the logo may come across too simple. I also felt like it was extremely "corporate" in comparison to what I normally like to do.

1984 Book Cover
I think that my book cover accurately depicts the story of Winston Smith not fitting in with the dystopian society that he lives in by severing him from the paper people chain. The back cover portrays how he feels like the shell of who he used to be.

The cover could have been improved by fixing alignment issues with the synopsis on the back cover being too close to the edge. I also felt that the red lines should have had more purpose and looking back on it now, I find them to be a little distracting.

Get Rad Earth Day Poster
Overall, I sense that my Get Rad branding project encompassed a lot of my greatest hit, my earth day poster being one of them. It's cleanliness and copy contributed to it's success in my eyes.

I think I could have made "Melt faces" fit onto one black slab as well as the bottom text. The four slabs make for awkward space.

Get Rad Client Logo

The success of my client logo could be due to its fidelity to Get Rad's raw style, which caters to skateboarders.

I did, however, have trouble with the division of the image because it didn't line up perfectly.

Expressive Type Quote

I think this project's strength comes from the accurate depiction of boring (through the bullets of text) and interesting ("Enthrall the with story"). 

I thought that maybe a weakness could have been the color selection. I felt like it was a bit too "fall" for me but I figured I would experiment more with warm colors and expand my color selections.