Friday, September 18, 2015

What I Collect


There's nothing I like more than watching music videos. This is the single video that has inspired me to use more color in my work. I was starting to get into a straight black and white phase (which I am still kind of in), but this video's overwhelming use of color is fun, and vibrant.

Art toys have always been very interesting to me. I hope one day I can design one. These cool figurines inspire me to explore outside of just designing to print on a flat surface.

If there is one thing I will splurge on it will be music festivals and concerts. I can't count all of the shows I've been to on two hands or four of them. Music festival posters and memorabilia usually have a care-free and loose look. These posters loosen me up to not make design be so serious.  

I love the new direction typography is going in. It is no longer just a bunch of letters. It can be conceptual now too. It makes for great art.

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